An Inside View Of
JT Colfax


April 23, 1999 - JT Colfax Letters from Boulder County Jail
The full unedited text of letters from J.T.Colfax

"and a entire party gets thrown under da buss....splat!"

April 23, 24, 25, 1999

for April 23rd, 24th+25th

Greetings and welcome to the pages of the Encyclopedia Lockdownica.

Last week an idiot named Hamilton didn't get his way in court and he did proceed to rip from his NECK a crucifix made from string - jail style. He threw it in the corner proclaiming it didn't work.

With malicious 3rd degree intent to HAUNT I shall now tell you the Ramsaica that was related to me over this long cold weekend.

Whilst MEESTER + MISSUS America were doing WHATEVER IT WAS they were doing THAT NIGHT in 96 in their home on 15th Street it turns out there was MUCH more activity in the vicinity than has previously come to light. There was, in fact, a wild party, "a few doors away," from the Ramsey house.

I am hearing these details from TWO inmates that were at the party - one one of whom I'll name. He is AL LAUGHLIN and you can find dirty details of his legalities by scrolling for his original heroin related arrest oin the Boulder Camera, and other Denverish papers of Sept. 96. He's back NOW on a voilation of probation.

Al was the keyboardist with THE SAMPLES, a band that was able to sell out Red Rocks (9,000 seats) 3 times - etc. I'm sure details like that are in the news reports of his arrest.

Anyway, Al says he was at Boulder Fox Theatre until about 2:00AM over Christmas Night 96. Okay. So he and others enter into a CARAVAN of automobiles and head to a party only doors away from the R. House. ALL these doped up people park their cars all around the neighborhood - anywhere they can find a spot - and proceed LOUDLY to te party house.

Did Jesus H. Christ see to it that there was plenty cocaine and hard liquor? Well, yezzy, yezz, yez he did. And more and more people arrive throughout the night. Al's unidentified freind here told me it was a "Rager." And Al says people were disappearing into dark corners to UNDULATE their thrusting throbbing bodies together.

So, get this, when Al decides he's done enough cocaine, drinking and undulatin' for the night he focuses his attention on BREAKFAST. So he and others walk outside where the sun has just recently come up on a snow reflected world of yellow crime scene tape.

Cops look at them, they look at the cops. There is a fear that this is a drug sting. The party goers, by drugged instinct, go into dead silent mode at the site of der polizie. BUT, they get in their car and EVACUATE without a word being spoken. They proceeded to DOTS DINER where speculation on the cop scene gives way to idle chatter on just whom grinded with whom last night. Later, everyone at the party will see RAMSEY news and stare off into space with a slack jawed look - thinking.

Meanwhile, what about "H" - the other guy - Al's old friend (who got out of jail on some minor thing on Sunday.) He said he left the party before Al did. He called a CAB. And so this cab, with a driver who's name might have been "Bruce," comes THAT CLOSE to the Ramsey house at the interesting time of "around 6:00 on that morning."So "H" gets in the cab and everything is normal - he's been driven by this same driver many times. There's no world of crime scene tape evident. But, just then, the cabbie does open his mouth and say, "Look at that cop haulin ass." And so screeches in what must have been Officer French's car. "H" says "lets get outta here." And off they go.

But wait - there's a few tiny grains more for you Ramsey mainliners.

LATER... "H" gets a call from the cabbie - a WARNING call. "Beware - the cops are checking on cab calls for early that morning. A leeeetle girrrl was murdered. They've been given log indexes about your ride."

The punchline is - the cops NEVER came to talk to "H" even though they requested and received taxi info about him. Thereby, they never found out about this party which had people roaming 15th street ALL during the CRITICAL HOURS. The cops NEVER inquired at the party house.

Meanwhile, people like AL and "H" and ALL other attendees of the party have been running into each other (as AL and "H" just did here in jail) for over 2 years - and these VARIOUS combinations of people have been WHISPERING of course.

"Did the cops ever come?" - "No." - that sort of thing. In the beginning, when the first news reports began to air on TV, the attendees actually speculated along the lines of "what if somebody from the party... etc" - you can imagine how the rest of that notion would trail off.

I spent the entire weekend pestering and repestering for more, more, more on this and so I figure about $17,000 will suddenly appear in the mail for me next week, Right, for being a prodding, probing, suspicious ell.

Yeah, Right. You webpeople can't manage a 20 cent annonymous postcard. Anything to make me aware I'm not talking to myself. I shouldn't leave out that I did get a NICE little reaction soon after the blueprints of the jail were posted last week. Oh lord yes. THe whole module watched as several officers spent A HALF HOUR unscrewing the light sockets in my cell to see if anything was hidden there. How mant times have I seen that happen to ANYONE ELSE in almost 2 years of WATCHING? I'll tell you... exactly ZERO.

J.T. Colfax

Additional Information Regarding Party on 15th Street


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