A Personal View Of
JT Colfax
Reporting on Events
Surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

[IMAGE] JT Colfax at Large
Reporting on the Linda Arndt Civil Trial
Thursday, May 31, 2001
Day 3


JT Colfax in Denver, Colorado
Thursday, May 31, 2001

and away we go again,...i'll actually start on the next post, hoping that auntie picks up on this coming over, after I posted this,..

Thursday at les trial....and this time STARS of the case did speak, and speak and speak.....

i waddled down there just a lil after 11:00.

monsewer SGT. MASON was on les stand and doing his damndest to say the right things for madamwozzle Arndt's side.

The place is CRAWLING with reporters this time, including the ones camped outside with TV kwipment there must be Forty.

Could not get a very good view of Arndt today as lawyers were at the podium blocking her from me. But I did see her, and EVERYONE else turn thier heads REPEATEDLY every time someone opens les door. OH, there's an atmosphere of anticipation round there alright.

One reporter was heard to say this is "a reporter's dream trial."

Monsewer MASON was subpeoned by the bride's side. There sat Ms Arndt pouring water for herself, and her ATTY.

Les side for the CHIEFS objected repeatedly and successfully, every couple of minutes.

One thing at issue was a FEB 6th 1997 Longmont "Daily Times" article, (the Longmont Times Call). Team Arndt wanted this IN, other side wanted it OUT. and it stayed out.

les Judge also didn't like the fact that the copy of the article came off les internet.

Monsewer Mason was asked to list various awards Ms. Arndt had received in her career, he mentioned detective of les month, etc.

He said she was " very good partol officer and detective, outstanding person, competent and knowledgable." He said that as her supervisor he gave her a ranking of outstanding/ "above standard."

Did Monsewer Mason, after he left the JBR case observe critical stories about Ms Arndt?....."YES."

Around this time Monsewer BECKNER done did write sumpin down and hand it to Monsewer KOBY, who showed it to Monsewer HALABY, les lawyer.

(This occurred at least THREE times that I noticed).

Monsewer Mason stated he was going thru eine heap big'm bash'm due to his "IA" (internal affairs) investigation so he could n't then FOCUS so much on les problemas itching and scratching about Ms. Arndt.

At one point Ms Arndt's attorney brought a bit of snickering to those in the cheap seats by referring to the "JOHN RAMSEY BENET MURDER CASE." Oh, yes, that was fun.

On les other side, Monsewer Halaby's cell phone went off whilst he was blathering, and it did play the most delightful version of, "Take me out to les ball park, " you could ever wanna hear. Les Judge finally scoured with an attempt at humour by stating that he was eine baseball fan too, "but"...etc...Monsewer Halaby apoloigized.

(he'll call you back later Jameson)

There was a short recess,..oh, about 7 minutes. Monsewer Beckner came right out in les hall and huddled with attorneys. Monsewer KOBY, came out a lil later, and HESITATED, before also joining that circle. A *Mystery Man joined the group, and seemed to be there for support of the Boulder legal team. Twice saying, "just tell him I'm here," etc, pointing out that he'll just be sitting in the back because after all, " I am a city employee,"...as if to say he perhaps SHOULDN'T be there.

Did Monsewer KOBY say some version of "HELLO CHARLIE" to Monsewer Brennan out in les hall, why SURE he did.

Did Monsewer Beckner suck on his pen today?...


It was his index finger, and sometimes that finger AND the one next to it.

Mein GOTT, is he ever short, even next to koby, who's hair is JUST a Little over the collar.

There are 8 jurors.

A front row seat was set aside for Madwozzle Arndt's family. Four people were in it, one was a woman in a VERY Boulderish PUMKIN-colored dress, with black sleaves)...(who was that that asked for more fashion?...well, there you go.) It seemed like les CHIEFS were wearing the same suits they wore on day one.

A lot was made of a Dec 9th 97 apology that Cheif Koby issued publicly to Monsewer Mason. Mason repeatedly squeezed in les words, "yes, a YEAR LATER,' to attempt to downplay this apologie's value.

Monsewer Halaby asked Monsewer Mason if he was bitter at Monsewer Koby. The answer: "bitter no, disappointed, yes."

Monsewer Halaby hammered away at les "media frenzy" and 140 outlets covering those days of les case of JBR. Repeatedly he reffered to it as UNPRECENTED, and UNBELIEVABLE, and FORCED MONSEWER MASON to agree that it was indeed those things.

Monsewer Halaby got monsewer Mason to speak of the battering Mmmslle Arndt had received in les media, and THEN, in a perry MASON-like twist broadsided him with a question about who received MORE critical press: "koby, eller, or arndt." THAT made Monsewer Mason's head swirl, because it's very hard to say that KOBY didn't get a LOT of heat., the mostest, the worstest. (surely the other side will later point out the Koby was les CHEIF, and had no one to defend HIM, but he COULD have defended arndt).

Next, les judge got bored with on and on MASON questioning which was going nowhere. At last they called in eine new witness.

And this was none other than: Mason's wife, Cecilia Anne Mason, who worked as eine dispatcher for les polizie du Boulder from about 81 to 1993.

And the thing here is, back in those dark days when her husband was being bashed she done did write a letter to Monsewer Koby asking if he would allow her husband to defend himself in les media., and threatening to DO IT herself, apparently, if it wasn't allowed.

Apparently, Monsewer Koby wrote back with eine big NOPEY NOPE NO.

The Judge asked to see the letters, and a long time was taken up whilst he read them. In the end he would NOT allow them introduced. And that is ALMOST all, I saw. But here are two more interesting bits.

After that brief recess I mentioned, when a court clerk came out in les hall to say, it's time to go back in, somehow, after MOST people came back in, there was ONE person who got LOCKED OUT after someone must have clicked les lock on les knob. This person had to stand there PATHETICALLY pulling on the door till eine bailiff opened it, and clicked the lock back to unlocked status.

I think I SHANT tell you who this was,...(for awhile anyway)., so that I might smirk like eine eeel for the rest of this afternoon till I work.

AND: then, one last thing:

When the judge let the jury go for lunch, he told them to be back at 1:45. He also said he reneged on his promise yesterday to call things off by 5:00 but would try to do better today. BUT, once they were gone, he had les lawyers hash out the ISSUE of that Feb 6th TIMES CALL article being introduced or NOT. And because it contains references like (knowledgable sources, or unnamed sources) he will NOT allow it IN. So, with that I was on my way out, when I did hear les judge make a remark about, Why should he believe what "a ten-dollar an hour reporter" put in this article. It could be made up from thin air, he said.

And THAT is about it,...and since I see I only have a little over an hour b4 work, I shall now tell you who was locked out:

Monsewer BECKNER.

Now begins my work week, so, perhaps I shant return EVER to that trial.

I should also point out that there was ONE reporter there, name unknown to me, who did go antsy like when I walked in, and tried to whisper to all and sundry, " Jt colfax is here." I mean, he tried A LOT to do that. Other than that he settled in for a lot of reading Les News de la Rocky Mountains even whilst his JOB paraded on before him. i guess he's just THAT good.

....ADDENDUM: I was wrong when I included the reporters across the street, and said there were forty reporters. Not really SO, in that there was action in the mcViegh case today, so a lot of them were there for THAT. So it's hard to tell exactly how many are covering this arndt trial, as some are going back and forth, mingling.

Copyright JT Colfax 2001

All reports transcribed from J.T.Colfax reporting
are "as is" and have not been modified
in any way, shape or form.
Nobody tells it like J.T. Colfax !!


"Toadload" in Denver, Colorado
Thursday, May 31, 2001

Another Internet poster under the hat of "Toadload" did ride his bike to the court house on Thursday and was there from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and he provided a most excellent and extremely detailed report that is currently posted on the thread titled, "JTColfax, your world is waiting :-)" on the ACandyRose II Subculture Forum.


May 29, 2001
Day 1
May 30, 2001
Day 2
May 31, 2001
Day 3
June 1, 2001
Day 4
June 4, 2001
Day 5
June 5, 2001
Day 6
June 6, 2001
Day 7
June 7, 2001
Day 8



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