An Inside View Of
JT Colfax


The J.T.Colfax/Lou Smit Plea Bargain Story

JT Colfax (Posted on the Boulder News Forum October 28, 1998) :

"Okay, so my wretched public defender, Laklin, and I, and Lou Smit and TRIP Demueth emerged from this conference room where we hammered out the final DEAL which was WAY worse than it was before SMIT became involved."

Jameson (Dave Lucas Radio Show on December 23, 1998) :

"I'd spoken to people who were involved in the DA's office at the time... he just happened to be in the building, and it has been totally misunderstood that he was involved in the plea bargaining... he had absolutely no voice, nothing to do with it and in fact was there simply because he was curious..."

Lance Matthews (Posted on the Boulder News Forum December 26, 1998) :

J.T. reported to me THE FACT THAT his lawyer, Cary "Useless the Klown" Lacklin, did indeed show up on the 10th of January at the jail to tell J.T. THAT he would sit down for a plea agreement with Cary, Tripp, AND Lou."

Jameson (Posted on the Boulder News Forum December 27, 1998) :

"Are there any reports concerning Smit and the hearings? Did Smit make any requests for the state? Did he speak to the judge? I would like to see something in black and white before I consider my source discredited. I am sure you can understand that"

AuntieBJ (Posted on the Boulder News Forum December 28, 1998) :

"All I can say Jameson is that if you are going to be quoting your "sources" as true facts then you need to have everything in "black and white" before you start quoting it on public radio stations or in the future on television shows or movies in the making in which your pretense is that you are the star of authority on the case."

The J.T.Colfax/Lou Smit Plea Bargain Story and a confrontation with Jameson on her reporting false information she claims are "facts."

On December 23, 1998, Lance Matthews and Internet posters named Jameson and AuntieBJ (aka ACandyRose) were on the air on the Dave Lucas Radio Show (WROW) out of Albany, New York. Lance Matthews was the guest host on the show that night

Lance Matthews had made a posting for J.T. Colfax on the Boulder News Forum whereas J.T. Colfax said that Lou Smit was directly involved with his plea bargain arrangements. AuntieBJ asked the question on the Dave Lucas Show as to how Lou Smit could be allowed to be involved with J.T. Colfax's plea bargain arrangements and Matthews let Jameson answer the question.

Jameson said that Lou Smit was not involved and that he was just "wandering around" the courthouse that day and just happened to see J.T. Colfax there so he just "wandered" into the courtroom and thus he was there.

Matthews "cut" AuntieBJ off the radio station that night because the question and subsquent conversation with Jameson was turning into a confrontation which Matthews promised Jameson she would be free from exposure. Matthews also commented on that same radio show along with Jameson that night that it was possible that maybe Lou Smit was just "wandering" around the courthouse that day.

After the radio show was over, AuntieBJ challenged Matthews to verify the information with J.T. Colfax and to publically state what information was the truth. Matthews did verify the information and discovered that Jameson was providing false information on the public airways that she believed her valuable source had told her.

The point that AuntieBJ wanted to make to Lance Matthews is that Jameson refuses to be confronted on anything she says thus nobody is "allowed" to prove she is reporting false information but this unexpected confrontation proved that Jameson does report information as "fact" only on the word of her sources without any verification of truth and she doesn't correct that misinformation.

As a side issue question also........From Jameson's comments on the Dave Lucas Radio show on December 23, 1998 quoting, "I'd spoken to people who were involved in the DA's office at the time" (unquote) she obviously was in communication with somebody in the Boulder County District Attorney's office between January 16, 1998 and December 23, 1998.

This was the original J.T.Colfax posting that posted by Lance Matthews on the Boulder News Forum on a thread titled, "Colfax Diaries; A collection that grows" and dated November 4, 1998 regarding the Lou Smit Plea Bargain Story:

1colfax - 02:07pm Nov 4, 1998 MST (#4 of 5)
James Thompson at Boulder County Jail
Posting for Wed. Oct. 28th. 98

"Now back through the anal cavities of time to my court appearance of January 16th, 98 wherein I pleaded guilty and got 2 years and no credit for 7 MONTHS of waiting. It's a small tidbit, but TELLING. Okay, so my wretched public defender, Laklin, and I, and Lou Smit and TRIP Demueth emerged from this conference room where we hammered out the final DEAL which was WAY worse than it was before SMIT became involved. We go across the hall to the courtroom (where a hysterical PR will one day explain it all) and we sit around waiting for Judge Bellipanni.

The Ramseys HAD to be notified of the DEAL by Colorado law before I can plead guilty. So therefor I just realized that the court appearance that I'm speaking of actually took place a few days BEFORE January 16th. Okay, So at this one all we're going to do is say we've reached a settlement and asked for a continuance to Jan.16th. Laklin asks DeMueth about the logistics of getting the Ramsey notification done so quickly. DeMueth said "That's EASY." He looked at me and KNEW he'd been indiscreet because he saw my eyes open wide at seeing a DA saying it was so EASY to contact the Ramseys. END. "


This was the original posting posted by Lance Matthews on the Boulder News Forum dated December 26, 1998 verifying the Lou Smit Plea Bargain Story after Matthews said on the radio with Jameson that he, himself wasn't sure about the story and had to confirm positively with J.T.Colfax on the issue:

J.T. and his pal LOU
matthews - 09:58pm Dec 26, 1998 MST
Thank GOD for the First Amendment !!!!

On the radio show the other night, when Auntie first came on,

she said: ( the "..."'s are pauses not deletions) "I wanted to talk about the Lou Smit involvement with the plea bargaining for JT Colfax...how he got involved in the plea bargaining when he wasn't supposed to be involved in such things."

Since Jams had told me earlier THAT she knew the answer to this question, I thought this was a perfect opportunity to pop her back on the air so I could hear her explanation myself.

This is what Jameson said on the air that night:

"Well, to be begin with he was hired to come in and deal only with Ramsey... particularly with Ramsey. At the time of the plea bargaining... and I'd spoken to people who were involved in the DA's office at the time... he just happened to be in the building, and it has been totally misunderstood that he was involved in the plea bargaining... he had absolutely no voice, nothing to do with it and in fact was there simply because he was curious... just wanted to see this guy that had done all this stuff.... he was not part of any of it... he was just there doing other work concerning the Ramsey investigation, heard that JT Colfax was indeed in the courtroom, and went in just mainly, as you and I would, to see somebody who is kind of a legend in his own time".

Well, I admitted to not knowing whether or not Lou Smit actually manipulated the deal. I had not got the details on that one, other that the Colfax letters. So I said THAT I would ask him to clarify this situation when I spoke with him next. I have since spoken with him and this is what I found out.

Jams said her "inside sources" told her the "facts" of Lou's appearance was THAT he was in the courtroom just because he happened to be in the courthouse and heard J.T. was there that day.

J.T. reported to me THE FACT THAT his lawyer, Cary "Useless the Klown" Lacklin, did indeed show up on the 10th of January at the jail to tell J.T. THAT he would sit down for a plea agreement with Cary, Tripp, AND Lou.

This was three days before they all met in the backroom of the courthouse. So the story Jam's "sources in the Da's office" told to her was a straight out LIE. Lou Smit being there for the plea agreement was a PLANNED thing and not just a spur of the moment meeting spurred by curiousity and by Lou just happening to hear THAT J.T. was there THAT day.

Jams, ever consider the possibilty THAT "your sources" might be spoonfeeding you some "untruths" which in turn you hold dear and true because you want so badly to believe those nice Ramseys did not kill their daughter?

A thank you posting from AuntieBJ on the Boulder News Forum to Matthews:

auntiebj - 11:43pm Dec 26, 1998 MST (#2 of 2)
If you wanna dance, you have to pay the fiddler.

Thank you Matthews and J.T. Colfax very very much for clearing this little issue up. I, too found it extremely hard to believe that Lou was just wandering around that day and out of idle curiosity wanted to see "somebody who is kind of a legend in his own time." See what bothers me about people like Jameson and others like her is not their personal beliefs or their convictions or their trusting and believing somebody but that they, themselves through these beliefs set themselves up to become an authority on the case when they are not. This is but one example and as the case continues I believe we will find more and more untruths being told to continue to cover for what really happened to the little girl.

This was Lance Matthews posting to Jameson waiting for her response:

matthews - 01:41pm Dec 27, 1998 MST (#3 of 3)
Thank GOD for the First Amendment !!!!

jams, your response is called for. My friend is issuing a PUBLIC CHALLENGE for a lie detector test....just him and LOUser SHmIT. He says ANYTIME ... and you know where you can find him.

The DA's office is filled with business partners of the defense attorneys....Hello....does it register to you yet?

Can you say RST? The DA's office can.... and some of us can hear it loud and clear..... start questioning YOUR sources, jams.... Why do you doubt anything THAT points at the Ramseys YET you accept ANYTHING that points away from them?

"Lou good, Steve bad" ...it is stale already.

Jameson's response posted on the Boulder News Forum:

jameson_ - 03:49pm Dec 27, 1998 MST (#4 of 4)

matthews - I just said what I had been told - that Smit had nothing to do with the processing of JTColfax, that he was involved in a peripheral way because it all concerned Ramsey, but that he was in the room that day only as an observer.

Are there any reports concerning Smit and the hearings? Did Smit make any requests for the state? Did he speak to the judge? I would like to see something in black and white before I consider my source discredited. I am sure you can understand that.

I don't know the truth of the matter, I admit that. I wasn't there and heard it from a witness, not a participant. I made that clear, or thought I had.

As far as Smit or any of the authorities accepting challenges from Colfax, surely even you never thought...

AuntieBJ's Comments back to Jameson's response:

auntiebj - 08:41am Dec 28, 1998 MST (#7 of 7)
If you wanna dance, you have to pay the fiddler.

All I can say Jameson is that if you are going to be quoting your "sources" as true facts then you need to have everything in "black and white" before you start quoting it on public radio stations or in the future on television shows or movies in the making in which your pretense is that you are the star of authority on the case and I don't mean a pre-written script either.

In your post number four above you wrote, "Are there any reports concerning Smit and the hearings? Did Smit make any requests for the state? Did he speak to the judge? I would like to see something in black and white before I consider my source discredited. I am sure you can understand that."

Isn't is strange that you NOW demand black and white documents be provided to verify Smit's involvement but you didn't demand solid proof from your sources when this little rumor was passed to you to quote as a truth. Where did you admit this was only a rumor you heard other than now posting it in number four post above?

I was there on the radio station with you and Matthews when both of you were discussing this matter and he gave you the floor to provide your comments to all the radio listeners that night as this being valid information you were passing on from your sources to discredit my question as to why Smit was part of the plea bargain arrangements for J.T. Colfax.

My original question was addressed to Justin Mitchell as a journalist possibly in the know or somebody who might check into this matter and Matthews said Mr. Mitchell was no longer on the air so Matthews, obviously believing you were an authority on this case even though you were just another ordinary Internet poster, gave you the floor to provide your comments, of which now that you are off the air, you say you do not know as the truth.

Has it ever occurred to you that your sources may be using you as a mouthpiece and scapegoat so they, themselves do not have to take responsibility for spreading untruths? Are the Ramsey's taking full responsibility for all versions of the so called documentary or are they letting Michael Tracy be their mouthpiece and scapegoat? And has it ever occurred to you that you will now become a participate in that same game?

And are you planning on going back to your sources after being challenged on this matter or any other matters before you continue to quote information as being truth and valid in this case especially since your future plans include additional media involvement on television shows and movies in the making?

Enquiring minds want to know.


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