![[Dottie Lamm-Colfax Campaign]](dottielamm.jpg) 02-00-1999 Dottie Lamm-Colfax Mail Campaign
![[Wall of Shame]](10241994wallofshamex.jpg) 10-24-1994 Wall of Shame New York City
![[Dear Clarksburg Project]](12211994clarksburgwv2x.jpg) 12-21-1994 Dear Clarksburg West Virginia
![[1995 Miss West Virginia Pageant]](07061995clarksburgwv-pageantx.jpg) 07-06-1995 Strange Parallels 1995 Miss West Virginia
Part II - J.T.Colfax and the JonBenet Ramsey Case
Part III - James Michael Thompson aka J.T. Colfax
On July 13, 1999 J.T. Colfax was released from jail but Lance Matthews was not done with his promotional efforts and he organized what he called The 1,000 Noodle March that he advertised on the Colfax web site then sent the link to twenty national news organizations as part of Colfax's grand exit from the Boulder County Jail. When Colfax was officially released from jail that Tuesday, things went downhill rapidly between himself and Matthews and others did not realize the impact until the new J.T.Colfax website disappeared.
By Friday, July 16th, Colfax appeared on the Peter Boyles Radio Show in Denver with a story on how Matthews tape recorded telephone converstations with Pam Paugh and played them to Colfax over the jail telephone whereas Pam Paugh suggested that Matthews and Colfax go to the Governor's office with information on other inmates as alternative suspects in the JonBenet Ramsey murder.
On Thursday, July 22nd Matthews appeared in the #webbsleuths chatroom in IRC and the question was asked directly, "Matthews, did you really secretly tape Pam?" Matthews posted that he and Pam talked for 15 seconds only and that the conversation consisted of just "Hi" and "Bye." Matthews said the recording was from a radio station where he was working at the time he was talking to Pam Paugh on the telephone.
Even though the Colfax diaries were posted on the Internet for nearly six months and Colfax maintained an interactive discussion from his jail cell on the Boulder News Forum the actually postings were done by Matthews via Colfax's letters mailed to him. After he was released from jail he stayed with a friend in Denver, Colorado whose young daughter showed him how to get on the Internet and that is when a special chat was set up for Colfax to meet some poster in IRC chat. The schedule date for Colfax's first live chat was July 28, 1999 in a special room named #thecookiejar and where for the first time in ten months in a live chat a select group of Internet posters read the words to heard Colfax's side of the story.
On October 30, 1999 the J.T. Colfax Internet Project Archive Forum was created by ACandyRose to house a collection of archive postings from various Internet forums that no longer exists that directly related to J.T.Colfax. This archive forum also has rare news articles and stories about Colfax and Matthews and some added history regarding the final days when the J.T.Colfax web site was taken down shortly after Colfax was released from jail.
During all the months that Colfax was in jail he had never seen the web site that was set up for his daily diaries. The original site was hacked on January 3, 1999 and the second site was removed on July 13, 1999. Even though the J.T.Colfax web site had been removed, an anonymous individual put the whole site back on the Internet in November 1999 and for the first time J.T.Colfax could see the work that had been put into the construction of the web site even though to this day he has no control over that site or who the webmaster is.